Digital entrepreneurship involves the development of business models that are powered by the internet. It is location-independent and rely on laptops, smartphones and the internet as well as other technology to market globally and sell products and services such as books, and provide customers with a digital experience. Its growth has made the world smaller and opened up new business opportunities. It has also made traditional companies more digital in order to keep their customers and expand beyond their physical location.
To build and sustain a successful online-powered business model, digital entrepreneurs must have a range of strategies. These strategies include scalable business models, strategic networking and partnerships. They also need to be effective in communication and perceptive management. The digital entrepreneur must also have a long-term perspective and the ability to tackle obstacles in a calm and steady manner.
Digital entrepreneurs must be able, in the process of developing and deploying a scalable digital artifact to identify the validity of a Value Proposition (VP). Typically, this means the recognition and use of disruptive value propositions that can transform business practices into digital business models or generate new ones entirely. Netflix, Airbnb, and Uber are examples of digital entrepreneurs that have adopted this strategy.
Case study research is an effective method for studying digital entrepreneurialism. This is because it allows the contextual investigation of real-world phenomena and can aid in answering “What” and “How’ questions.